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Hamid Ali Abed Al-asadi.

Hamid Ali Abed Al-asadi.

Professor at Computer Science Dept.
Education College For Pure Science, Basra University.


Currently he is working as Professor at Department of Computer Science, Education College for Pure Science, Basra University, Iraq. He has completed his Ph.D in Computer and Communication Engineering from University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia in 2011. He was a member of scientific and reviewing committees of many journals and international conferences in the domains of Computer Science and optical communications engineering and was an Editor-in-Chiefs in sixteen journals: International Journal of Advanced Computer Communications and Control, (IJACCC), Sci-Afric Journal of Scientific Issues, Research and Essays (SJSIRS), An Interdisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research & Education. And he was chosen as a reviewer, an examiner or chairman committee for some theses submitted for Master and Doctoral degrees by the faculties of Education, Computer Science (Wire and Wireless Networks) and Engineering and scientific committees.

Research Interest

My research focuses is Computer and Communication Network Engineering. I am also interests include optical communications, optical fiber, spread-spectrum communications, and information theory, Wireless Network, Sensor Network, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Swarm Intelligence, computer engineering, data mining and Artificial intelligence.